Introducing Tainacan Beta 0.9 with important improvements and fixes!
What is new?
New Gutenberg Block
At the launch of the previous version we presented our first Gutenberg blocks , with the promise that more and more ways to display their Tainacan content in posts and pages were to come. Well, in this version we bring an important block, the Search for Collection Items, or as we say, our first “ dynamic ” block.
What is the difference of this block for the existing Items block? While in the Item Block we manually select which items we want to display in our post, in this new block we configure a search criteria in a collection to display it. With this block you can apply filters and change the order in which the items appear, and with that logic, if new items are added to that collection, the post will also have its content updated.
The Block also offers some important display settings, such as the ability to provide a simple search for the reader, and a header that will introduce your collection with it’s name and picture.
Integração com Elastic Search
Elastic Search is a search engine built to work with big amounts of data.
From the moment we started the development of Tainacan, we knew that we would have to have a solution to ensure performance in navigation and search in large collections. We knew well the structure of WordPress and we knew that, especially for an full text search, speed would be an issue to be faced.
In this release we present our approach to solving this problem. We built an integration with Elastic Search based on the ElasticPress plugin, which guarantees search performance, as well as facet loading and collection navigation in general!
In our first tests, we prepared two identical environments, one using WordPress and MySQL only, and another integrated with Elastic Search. In each of these environments, we created collections with thousands of items and made 10 requests for items from a textual search and measured the average response time. See the results below. For a collection of 256,000 items, the response time goes from just over 1 second with Elastic Search to over 35 seconds without it.

New Importer: YouTube
Now it’s possible to import vides from Youtube to your Tainacan repository.
Import videos from an user, a channel or a playlist to one of your collections and brig all the metadata Youtube provides. (Note that the video itself will still be hosted at youtube).
New Importer: Flickr
It’s also possible to import photos from Flickr! Import photos from an user or any public album in the platform.
Community requests
Better metadata separator

Multi-valued metadata is a commonly used in many collections and, until now, our interface separated the values with commas. This worked fine with simple value but could be confusing with large values possibly having commas also inside it. So to better deal with these cases, like text metadata with line breaks, we improved the default presentation of multi-values metadata:
Tooltips in evey icon
At the administrative interface of Tainacan, we use various icons to identify actions and contexts, according to our visual identity. There are times, however, that an icon may not be as clear as we’d like, so we made sure all of them has tooltip that shows up when you stop the mouse over it. 🙂
What collections are using each taxonomy
Also in the administrative interface, it is common to navigate through the list of Taxonomies and ask yourself, “Which collections are using each of these taxonomies?”. Now the list of taxonomies will also list which collections are related to them.

Fixes in facets for hierarchical taxonomies
If you use hierarchical taxonomies you must have realized that the facets were not working properly.
In this release, hierarchical taxonomy support is complete! Try it out!
Upgrade now!
Tainacan Beta 0.9 is available at the official WordPress Plugins repository and you can upgrade with one-clik via you adminitration panel!