
Banner com o número da versão 0.21.14

Tainacan Beta 0.21.14 – New Status: “Pending”

Conteúdo1 What’s new?1.1 New Status: “Pending”1.2 New permissions: “Edit private items” and “Remove private items”2 Improvements2.1 Hierarchy of permissions in the user role form2.1.1 Visualization2.1.2 Editing2.2 Other improvements3 Big fixes3.1 For developers4 Get it now! The version 0.21.x cycle is…

Tainacan Beta 0.21.12 – Items “Publication Data”

Conteúdo1 What’s new1.1 Publication data: editing the author and the link of an item1.2 Bulk-editing authors1.3 Editing authors and slug via CSV importer2 Improvements3 Bug fixes4 For developers5 Get it now! Amidst the minor bug fixes released in recent months,…

Tainacan Beta 0.20.3 – Managing and displaying taxonomy terms

Conteúdo1 What’s new1.1 Taxonomy and Terms list on website1.2 Taxonomy form refactor1.3 Multiple terms edition1.4 Multiple terms insertion2 Improvements3 Bug fixes4 Themes4.1 Tainacan Interface4.2 Blocksy Support5 Get it now! Tainacan taxonomies have always been powerful resources for creating categorization vocabularies…